Data Manager - Documentation


Welcome to our Data Manager documentation portal. Please use the find command to search for a function.

If you have any question please contact us via

Data Manager

Log Cleaner setup
License Management Tool
How to enable TLS1.2
How to renew your license



ETL - Aggregates

Aggegrate - SysdataUnixSeconds
Aggregate - Average
Aggregate - Count
Aggregate - DoubleAverage
Aggregate - DoubleMaxNum
Aggregate - DoubleMinNum
Aggregate - DoubleTotal
Aggregate - Group
Aggregate - Group Auto Number
Aggregate - List
Aggregate - MaxNum
Aggregate - MaxStr
Aggregate - MinNum
Aggregate - Ordered List
Aggregate - Sysdate
Aggregate - SysDateUnixSeconds
Aggregate - Total
Aggregate - UTCSystdate
Aggregate - WeekPatternDates
Aggregrate Functoid - MinStr

ETL - Functoids

Functoid - Add
Functoid - AutoNumber
Functoid - Base64ToString
Functoid - BaseXToDecimal
Functoid - BatchNumber
Functoid - BinaryToDecimal
Functoid - BoolValue
Functoid - Coalesce
Functoid - ColumnPart
Functoid - Concat
Functoid - ConcatSeparator
Functoid - Contains
Functoid - Crc32
Functoid - Crc64
Functoid - DateDiff
Functoid - DateDiffToSysDate
Functoid - DateTimeAdd
Functoid - DateTimeToLocal
Functoid - DateTimeToUTC
Functoid - DateTimeWeekNumber
Functoid - DecimalToBaseX
Functoid - DecimalToBinary
Functoid - DecodeAvailability
Functoid - Divide
Functoid - DoubleAdd
Functoid - DoubleDivide
Functoid - DoubleModulo
Functoid - DoubleMultiply
Functoid - DoubleSubtract
Functoid - EndsWith
Functoid - Extract
Functoid - Format
Functoid - GenGuid
Functoid - HexToString
Functoid - IFF
Functoid - IndexOf
Functoid - IndexOfAnyChar
Functoid - IP2Subnet
Functoid - IsNull
Functoid - JsonEscape
Functoid - JsonUnescape
Functoid - Layout
Functoid - Left
Functoid - Length
Functoid - Literal
Functoid - MakeNull
Functoid - Mask
Functoid - MaskOrIP2Integer
Functoid - MatchSubnet
Functoid - Modulo
Functoid - Multiply
Functoid - Quantify
Functoid - RegularExpression
Functoid - RemoveTags
Functoid - Repeat
Functoid - Replace
Functoid - Reverse
Functoid - Right
Functoid - Round
Functoid - StartsWith
Functoid - StringToBase64
Functoid - StringToHex
Functoid - SubString
Functoid - Subtract
Functoid - TimeToTicks
Functoid - ToLower
Functoid - ToUpper
Functoid - Transpose
Functoid - Trim
Functoid - TrimEnd
Functoid - TrimStart
Functoid - Unify
Functoid - UNIXTimeStampToDate
Functoid - WeekPattern
Functoid - WeekPattern2Weeks
Functoid - WeekPattern2Weeks
Functoid - WeekPatternRanges
Functoid - XmlEscape
Functoid - XmlUnescape